divendres, 11 de juny del 2010

1st Day - Story

Yesterday, my group (Raimon Aragones and me, Oriol Vilaseca) started to think the animation scripts.

Raimon had an idea about the story and I had another idea a little bit different. My idea was better, so we will do the animation about my story.

This is my idea:

A man gets a mosquito bite while he`s sleeping. He tries without success to kill the mosquito. Then he goes back to the bed and when the mosquito lands on his face to go back to bite, man`s face screws up and the mosquito explotes in an excess of blood.

This is my script:

{All animation will be black and white minus the blood}

All dark. Suddenly we hear a mosquito and we see two open eyes moving.

The character opens the light {shot of his hand switching the light on} and then the mosquito bites him in the face and the character slaps his face trying to kill him {shot of his face with a bite}.

{Shot of the mosquito being on the wall and smiling}. The mosquito keeps flying. The man gets up in bed and tries to kill him by clapping, with a spray, with a gun... He doesn`t reach his goal. {Again a shot of the mosquito being on the wall and smiling}.

Then the man ignores the mosquito. The mosquito goes on his face and it bites him {shot of the mosquito biting}. Then the man grimaces and you see how the mosquito explodes splashing blood.

The man smiles, turns off the light and close his eyes.


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