Yesterday, my group (Raimon Aragones and me, Oriol Vilaseca) started to think the animation scripts.
Raimon had an idea about the story and I had another idea a little bit different. My idea was better, so we will do the animation about my story.
This is my idea:
A man gets a mosquito bite while he`s sleeping. He tries without success to kill the mosquito. Then he goes back to the bed and when the mosquito lands on his face to go back to bite, man`s face screws up and the mosquito explotes in an excess of blood.
A man gets a mosquito bite while he`s sleeping. He tries without success to kill the mosquito. Then he goes back to the bed and when the mosquito lands on his face to go back to bite, man`s face screws up and the mosquito explotes in an excess of blood.
This is my script:
{All animation will be black and white minus the blood}
All dark. Suddenly we hear a mosquito and we see two open eyes moving.
The character opens the light {shot of his hand switching the light on} and then the mosquito bites him in the face and the character slaps his face trying to kill him {shot of his face with a bite}.
{Shot of the mosquito being on the wall and smiling}. The mosquito keeps flying. The man gets up in bed and tries to kill him by clapping, with a spray, with a gun... He doesn`t reach his goal. {Again a shot of the mosquito being on the wall and smiling}.
Then the man ignores the mosquito. The mosquito goes on his face and it bites him {shot of the mosquito biting}. Then the man grimaces and you see how the mosquito explodes splashing blood.
The man smiles, turns off the light and close his eyes.
The man smiles, turns off the light and close his eyes.
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